sardinia tourism
Isola dell'Asinara
isola dell'asinaraAsinara constitutes the last island of a certain dimension - within the entire Mediterranean area - which does not have an important residential settlement.
The National Park of Asinara protects an area located off the north-western point of Sardinia and includes the Island of Asinara and its surrounding waters. Mediterranean scrub completely covers this island. The western coast is elevated and has steep slopes while the eastern one lacks any height.
The island is populated by a group of small, white donkeys, which characterise the park and give these places a mysterious atmosphere, considering that their origin is unknown. This small herd of mouflons, descendants of a pair introduced tens of years ago, pastors in the roughest rocky areas. The most numerous animal species are most certainly the birds: the Sardinian partridge, peregrine falcon, herring gull, green cormorant and the rare Corsican sea gull. The sea bed surrounding the island is enriched with animals such as coloured anemones, starfish, Mediterranean fanworms, horny coral, octopus, morays, groupers and white sea bream, which live in an environment characterised by ample stretches of underwater prairies of oceanic Posidonia. Numerous findings of flintstone and obsidian date human presence on the Island of Asinara to pre-nuraghic periods. Here, there have been various findings along the coastline of wrecks and lead ingots sealed during the Roman Era. The buildings of historical interest are the monastery built by the Camaldolite in the XII-Century in the town of S. Andrea, the fortifications (to be remembered are the Towers of Cala d’Oliva, Cala Arena and Punta Trabucato) and the ruins of Castellaccio on the Fornelli Hill.
By car: you arrive from Sassari on main road n° 131 in the direction of Porto Torres; from here take the ferry to reach the island or continue on the provincial road in the direction of Stintino. However, the island cannot be accessed by private vehicles and the only vehicles permitted are collective means. There are however bicycles, which can be hired in Fornelli, La Reale and Cala d’Oliva.
You can also reach the landing areas to the ferries by bus, the ARST coach service leaving both from Sassari and Stintino and the Nuragica Tours coach service from the Alghero Fertilia airport in Stintino and from Olbia at Porto Torres.