sardinia tourism
oroseiOrosei is the main town of Sardinia's renowned central-eastern coast and it is historically consider as Baronia's chief centre.
Walking along the narrow alleys of the old town it is possible to admire the white-limestone buildings dating back to the 19th century. You will also come across the church of St. Anthony the Abbot, quite close to the Pisan tower and to the so-called "cumbessias ", ancient one-roomed houses made of stone, where people spent the night during the celebrations in honour of the saint (Jan. 16th).
Worth visiting are also the parish of St. James Maggiore (XVII - XVIII ), that conserves a wooden baptismal font, as well as the parish of Madonna del Rimedio. These two churches' holy days are still deeply felt by the population and their celebrations, characterised by parades and costumed dances, involve most surrounding towns and attract numerous visitors every year. |interruzione di pagina Orosei is mainly renowned for its coastline, which goes from Marina of Orosei to Berchida beach and boasts natural beauties such as Cala Liberotto, Cala Ginepro and Bidderosa. The latter is a long stretch of fine sand alternated by prominent promontories that give this coastline a unique, natural value.
Orosei’s amazing sceneries yearly attract thousands of visitors.
Moreover, Orosei has proven to be one of the most tourist-friendly towns in Sardinia. Its beaches are well-equipped and always clean, its marine seabed is protected from vandalism and its diversified tourist-facilities are able to satisfy all needs.