sardinia tourism
The island of Sant'Antioco is situated in the south-western part of Sardinia, connected to the motherland by an artificial isthmus and is the largest among the smaller Sardinian islands. Its territory includes the two urban centres Sant'Antioco and Calasetta along with various, smaller towns, for the most part seaside resorts. Situated at the foot of Castle Hill, Sant'Antioco is the island's main town. It looks like a typical fisherman's village, with its low houses and their red roofs. Its streets are narrow but it has a complex urban structure. Sant'Antioco's history dates back thousands of years. The town was inhabited as far back as the 3rd millennium B.C. but its history began in the VIII Century B.C. During this time period, the Phoenicians founded the city of Sulky, later transformed into the Latin Sulci and today's Sant'Antioco. Since then and throughout the centuries, many alternating, diverse cultures have settled here. Traces of the past can be found just about everywhere. Interesting evidence includes two menhir dating back to pre-Nuraghic times, a few Domus de janas (better known as "fairy houses"), some Tombe dei Giganti, a big Phoenician-Punic tophet (type of sacrificial cemetery) and an old Punic Necropolis. St. Antioco's basilica, after which the town is named, is also important. Built in 1102 overtop an early Christian church, it conserves the saint and martyr's relics and statue. The Roman Bridge with two arches, situated at the town's entrance, is very charming. In addition to its rich archaeological patrimony, the town offers visitors long, enchanting beaches that alternate with rocky bays. The sea is crystal-clear, abounding with life, fish and breathtaking seabeds. Sant'Antioco's economy is based on many sectors including the harbour and fishing activities, the chemical industry, craftsmanship, wine production and the very profitable tourism industry. The town offers visitors a spectacular sea, warm Sardinian hospitality and most importantly, the typical, local specialities that will delight the palette of even the most difficult to please. It's a vacation destination not to be missed!