sardinia tourism
siniscolaSiniscola is located in north-eastern Sardinia, in the region called Baronia. Over the last years Siniscola has become a renowned tourist destinations thanks to its stunning coastline from Capo Comino to Punta La Batteria.
The surrounding mountains are also interesting and attractive due to the hard-to-reach caves and some prehistoric signs of settlement. In fact, Siniscola was subject to Barbaric raids, memory of which is kept in its traditional tales. Travelling along the coastline from Siniscola towards S.Lucia, you'll find La Caletta, a well known holiday destination equipped with a marina. Long, sandy beaches and green pinewoods characterise this coastline. Travelling further along, you'll arrive at Posada, entrenched with its typical buildings on a steep hill. You might also get a chance to admire the remains of the Castello della Fava with its well-kept, squared tower. Built in the XII Century by the Gallura Judges, the castle was used as a defence against the Moors' raids, who were in search of landing places to refurbish their supplies and find slaves. A network of hotels and restaurants adds value to an amazingly natural coast. Continuing on, the following destination is Ala dei Sardi. The contrast between Siniscola's easy coast and S. Teodoro's steep slope and the primordial landscape of the Padru and Ala dei Sardi area is quite strong. Cork-oak woods alternate with massive granite stones, sometimes strangely shaped by the winds and the rain. Sheep-pens and other rural buildings are quite rare here, excluding temporary enclosures made of leaves and thorns.