Today, Tortolì is the most important centre in the entire Ogliastra region. Its economy, once based on agriculture, today concentrates on the service industry, thanks to the presence of the Arbatax harbour and to the new airport.
Of them all, the tourism sector has grown the most, transforming the area into a sought-after tourist destination.
In the city centre, you'll find the ex-cathedral, the church of St. Andrew, that dates back to the XVIII Century and is in Baroque style. Also very interesting is the interior of the church, including three aisles where it's possible to admire numerous works of art and a big, marble altar.
The seaside is quite famous for its "red rocks". Equally famous is the "Blues" festival that takes place every summer at the beach.
The area also offers the Spanish Tower and the Tower of San Gemiliano, built in the XVI Century by the Spanish as a defence against frequent piratical raids.
To be noted is the San Salvatore park where you'll admire a nuragic village, a tomba dei giganti (giants cave) and some menhir dating back to a period between the XVIII and the XIX Centuries